Cards_for_the_troops6010 More showing off today .. BUT showing off  all your cards   not mine today  🙂   Such Beautiful cards . I am down to  about 2 boxes   left to ship out to hubby ..  It seems   he  gets  his mail alot later  since moving to   the base he is currently  at  for  some reason .. He  arrived  there the beginning of Oct  and  was  suppose to leave  and  go back  to the not  so good  base ( You know the  one  where   he walks   forever to  the bathroom / shower  and sleeps in  a tent  you remember right ?)   

on Dec 1st But  he will  wait to do that  after  he gets back from R&R ( YIPPEE)  Cards_for_the_troops_6007_2   He will also  ship all his personal things back to the  1st location before he  heads  home .. Gee whiz   he  sure is  raking up those   frequent flyer  miles .. 🙂 Cards_for_the_troops1000_a

He is actually  getting ALOT of  Frequent flyer miles   and  trying to get enough for 2  tickets  to Hawaii . Have a Fabulous day girls and Thanks  so much for sharing  your day with me  ..

Dawns Side Note :

Hey Speaking of  flying ..My Cousin Barbie Graduated  from Flight  Attendant  training  and  is leaving for Paris  this  morning ~can you  believe it ~ PARIS ?  Thank you all that sent  her beautiful cards  to her while she has been away ..  She loved them all ..  Way to go girlie !!! I am sooo proud of you !!!

Thanks  so much girls ..

Until later .. Happy Stampin!!