Reindeer Fun Present Gift Card Holder

Present Gift Card holder video We made this cute gift card holder yesterday in the Glitter Pit . using the Reindeer Fun Bundle #164044 and the Reindeer Days Designer Paper # 164166 The card is in the shape of a present when the lid is lifted up the gift card is inside...

Glitter Pit LIVE today

Glitter Pit Live Today! Join me LIVE in the Glitter Pit HERE on YouTube today at 3pm EST We are making a really cute inside of card that moves I don’t have many finished samples since I ran out of time . BUT I will be showing you a couple different way to make ...

Pop Up Flap Fun Fold Card Video

Pop Up Flap Fun Fold Card  Video We are making this adorable fun fold card.  I have three different samples for you using this pop-up flap fun fold. I’m giving you all a heads-up, I will be using the Bistro Burger Bundle #163650 for next week’s card class...

Glitter Pit Live today

Glitter Pit Live! Join me today in the Glitter Pit HERE at 3 pm Eastern on YouTube. I’m live every Wednesday in the Glitter pit   for some Live stamping (usually card making). Plus learn a new fun fold card and or see new goodies  from the current Stampin’...

Cutest Cows Rocker Card video

Cutest Cows Rocker Card Video. We made this card LIVE yesterday in the Glitter Pit. This adorable fun fold card is just so cute  with this Cutest Cows Bundle # 162897  I also used the  Softly Stippled Designer Paper #162975 FREE during Sale-a-Bration  until  Feb 29th,...