Sep 16, 2009 | My Digital Studio |
Hi Stampers: I will be leaving for the Founders Circle event this morning. Oh my gosh I am so EXCITED! . This will be one of my Stamping highlights of the year...Sep 14, 2009 | My Digital Studio |
Hi Stampers: Here are a few more digital scrapbooking pages I created . This 1st page will be the cover for my scrapbook . I chose to use elements for my cover But you can also add photos if you like . Here...Sep 11, 2009 | My Digital Studio |
Hi Stampers: This morning in between preparing for Peggy's workshop tonight for 24 stampers I made 5 more Digital scrapbook pages . I will share them all with you over the next few weeks. I also added...Sep 10, 2009 | My Digital Studio |
Hi Stampers: Today is a sad day in the Griffith Household my hubby is leaving , BUT he will be back for Christmas in December YAHOO! and then Home for good in April 2010. On a side note I wanted to...Sep 9, 2009 | My Digital Studio |
Hi Stampers : I am soo excited to get My digital studio in the mail today I have been having so much fun creating pages. I even sent up a catagory on the right just for My Digital Studio items .. I ...
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