Jessie_vday_card_from_mom Is this Not the cutest card you have ever seen ?? I am only saying this because It was not my idea  But Kelsey Jones  ( Hi girlie )  You see This card design is  most certainly from a future  SU! Demonstrator .. want to know why ? Because the original idea  of this card  came from my friend Patty’s 15 year old daughter  Pretty stinking Awesome  don’t you think ..making that   CS look like a  Chocolate candy bar ..  Patty  you must  be sooo proud of Kelsey .. Kelsey made one of these cards and  gave it to her mom  since Patty is a chocolate addict  Hee! Hee!  as soon as She shown her card to me Via email I knew this was the card  I was going to make for hubby  and daughter  for valentines day..Not exactly sure what she all used for her card"Candy bar "  But I used aluminum foil for my  candy wrapper  and the wrapped it of course with  LOVES  ME designer  paper I of course had to use my crimper for the  end of the candy bar , and then I actually ripped the ends  of the candy bar . The  chocolate card bar is using the  Happy in the "SO Very"  sell-a-Bration  set .. gives the illusion of a  Hersey  bar doesn’t it  I was NEVER so excited to  finish making  these cards.. I of course added  stickles  turq. Glitter to the SO VERY on top of the cards, of course the pink one is for Jessie  Richards_vday_card_2007 and this one is for  my HUBBY  yes  both cards made the same just different   colors  in designer paper , Cause you can never have enough chocolate in ones home right ?  Thank you  so much  Patty for sharing  your daughter Kelsey’s awesome card and thank you Kelsey  for  such a out of this world  Valentines Day Card ..

Peanuts_for_richard OK now on to something else I made for hubby  for Valentines day  you see this is how it all got started .. I bought these peanuts from Sam’s Club yesterday for hubby  and I got to thinkin ..  I should really  make these into something extra special .. so why not cover  the can  and  express my TRUE feelings all over itPeanuts_can_covered_for_richard_on_v_day_1  TA-DA  introducing  the Talking can .. OK  its not really a talking can But  It does  announce my  true feeling of my  wonderful hubby  wouldn’t you say .. Hee! Hee!   Sine this photo was taken I had  since added  CHO GG ribbon  around the lid part where the yellow  shows . so try to vision  that  instead of the yellow lid color showing ..  I used  my Letterpress Alpha bet  and stamped out this saying " I AM NUTS OVER U Valentine " the word Valentine is  stamped with   Everyday flexible  phrases.. I think  this is soo perfect for my honey bunch   and I must say between the Fabulous cards I made  for  each of them and this can of peanuts ..IT WAS KILLING me not to spill the   beans and  show them BUT I was good and kept it all under wraps .. Thank God I can give them out to them today cause I don’t think I could  wait another day .. I am soo excited  to give  them their cards and  these peanuts to hubby..

I  dont know why  the above is underlined I did not do this on purpose

Ok On to  yesterdays blog candy give -a-way .. If you haven’t seen  the winners yet  check below in last nights posting.. I am still laughing   and ok maybe  saying EEEEWWWW alittle too  from all your comments ..This was for sure the most fun  I had with a blog  candy give-a-way.. Stay tuned for  more blog candy in the future  everyone  . Just need to think of another question that will top that one from yesterday .. HUMMM.You all are such great sports  for playing ..  and you all made my day !!  I was laughing so hard  that Hubby thought I had totally flipped out .. We got snow last night still waiting to see if  Jessie has school  ..Our public school   in our area  has canceled school that  that doesn’t always mean Jessie school has been canceled  even though I  really think it may be cause I hope so  as much as Jess since I don’t want to go out in this mess ..  alot of drifting snow  and high winds  yesterday made it worse ..

I have a new adventure I will be sharing with you tomorrow  I hope you will all check back in  and see what I am talking about . I know  for myself I am not really good at  information that is posted the way I previously did  without any more information But I knew todays post would be a fairly large one  so I  am keeping   the information  secret  today  so I can share all the details with you tomorrow on its own post  soooooo  with that said I hope to see you all tomorrow  and  keep warm today and  tell those you love , That you DO love them … Happy Valentines day !! kiss kiss

Until later … Happy Stampin!!