Lollipop_holder_closed Oh my  goodness~ where -oh -where did January go ..  Seems time is flying by so quickly, which is a really good thing  in  my book , Since its  closer to when hubby will be coming home again 🙂  Just  wish the snow  would go away .. far far away .. I  am so tired of shoveling  and  these  cold  temps ..  I thought I would let you  all know I have  so many  videos planned  for the upcoming weeks  and I  have been  having  so Much fun making them .. Hard to believe  that a camera would bring  such pleassure 🙂  I must start  sharing the  videos  Lollipop_holder_opened I  already have on file  with all of you  since most of them are such CUTE ideas for your Valentine gift giving this year and YIKES V-Day is only 19 days away .. So today I thought I would share  another V-day video  tutorial with you all  on these adorable  lolli  pop holders .. I must tell you  though  when I made this  video I  had BIG plans to make them for  Jessie Class mates this year BUT… THESE took  their place instead  But  I still have  ALOT of them to make  for  church friends, Sunday school kiddies  and  my   Stampin Queens (Club girls).. Good thing they are sooo easy  and fun to make  cause I am not  to Crazy on  "production line "  type  of stamping ..  Hope you all have been enjoying my  videos .. I can’t make any promises BUT  I will try and not  forget things  when I prepare  the  supplies  for  video taping  (Notice  the word "TRY" )..  It really makes me laugh  when this happens and YES  this really happens  all the time to me  Just ask my  stampin Queens :-). I   also  think  It may help those of you  to see that NOT everyone is perfect 🙂

Enjoy  the video  today girls  and Thank you all for  your encouraging  comments  and emails I have received .. you all are  sooo  Awesome !! I will  see you  all tomorrow  with More beautiful Cards for the Troops ..

Sampc48730548fbca20e_2 Until then … Happy Stampin!!
