Happy_valentines_day_shadow_box_car I figured   out  that I  am a  fun stamper  whats that you  say ?  ( I am so glad you asked Hee! Hee! ) well I find that I just love making goodies for  holidays  that  are  centered around FUN!! Like   Valentines day ..  Who doesn’t  " Love "   Valentines day ? ( No pun intened )  It does  make it  alot more fun when you have someone to LOVE  huh?  I find Christmas & Valentines day  The most fun  for me  personally ..  I really  dont know why It took me   almost  5 years to find this out  about myself .. But I actually think its pretty funny ..  anyway I  was  in  the mood to  make another one of those fabulous shadow box  cards  which you  can find that tutorial HERE   this time I used the heart  from the  TIME  WELL SPENT stamp set and the  Happy Valentines day greeting is  from HOLIDAYS & WISHES . I  did alittle  masking with the Heart  stamp   and  TA DA  here is  my  finished  card .. I also added a little  bling with my  dazzling  diamonds  around my hearts  which I think  Just barely  shows  up in the photo .. anyway  at least I mentioned it  for you  to be looking  for it  🙂 I also used my marker in Regal rose ( same as card stock )  and added tiny  doodle  dots   for the  front of my shadow box card which may not  be seen very  good without clicking on the photo to make larger , anyway I also added a bunch of brads  to the center of my  flowers  then  carried them out to the edge  of the  shadow box .. I just love making these  type of cards .. sooo stinkin easy and  everyone loves them ..  If   you  want to make a  shadow box card  with me and My   club girls  this month click HERE to see  if  one of the club nights are a  good time for you  to come  and join  the fun ..  Of course my  club   shadow box  card will be showcased later  since  we will be using a  different  stamp set .. It’s  just fabulous!! even more  fabulous than this one .. I think  so anyway ..So are you a FUN stamper? By the way  I would love to hear from you  about what you   would like to  seen in  a video tutorial .. I have a  few lined up But  would love to hear from all of you  what you  would like to see . send me a email ( top left corner of my blog ) or  just comment  below  and I will see what I can come up with for ya 🙂

Have a  fabulous Monday girls  and Thanks  so much for stopping by.

Until later .. Happy Stampin!!
