Jessie_class_valentines_goodies_all Here are  some of  the Valentines day goodies I made this past Saturday  for Jessie’s Classmates / Teachers ..  Want to hear something  cute ..  This  school  year Jessie had 2 new girls  join her  10th grade class and when Jessie Brought in  the HALLOWEEN TREATS   for her classmates .. Sarah ( one of the new girls )  was soo  excited  and  One of Jessie’s  other classmates (Chelsea ) who has been there as long as Jess  said to Sarah  "You aint seen nothing yet, Jessie’s mom always makes  goodies for us every  Seasonal  Holiday".. So I guess the pressure is on now  to keep the goodies  coming .. To be hontest  I would anyway 🙂 Jessie_class_valentines_goodies_in_ Just wish I could be a fly on the wall when they get these  cute  sweet tart holders  Jessie wanted  me to make the base  Green galore  ( She  thought  the boys wouldn’t  think much of  getting a Pixie pink Holder .. ) BUT I still had to add a  small  Pixie  pink to the  layer of my  centered image Hee! Hee!  and Jess was cool with that .." Thank goodness "

You can get the directions  to these sweetart holders HERE

Have a Fabulous Monday girls  and I will see you tomorrow ..

Until Later… Happy Stampin!!
