Here are some of the Valentines day goodies I made this past Saturday for Jessie’s Classmates / Teachers .. Want to hear something cute .. This school year Jessie had 2 new girls join her 10th grade class and when Jessie Brought in the HALLOWEEN TREATS for her classmates .. Sarah ( one of the new girls ) was soo excited and One of Jessie’s other classmates (Chelsea ) who has been there as long as Jess said to Sarah "You aint seen nothing yet, Jessie’s mom always makes goodies for us every Seasonal Holiday".. So I guess the pressure is on now to keep the goodies coming .. To be hontest I would anyway 🙂
Just wish I could be a fly on the wall when they get these cute sweet tart holders Jessie wanted me to make the base Green galore ( She thought the boys wouldn’t think much of getting a Pixie pink Holder .. ) BUT I still had to add a small Pixie pink to the layer of my centered image Hee! Hee! and Jess was cool with that .." Thank goodness "
You can get the directions to these sweetart holders HERE
Have a Fabulous Monday girls and I will see you tomorrow ..
Until Later… Happy Stampin!!
GREAT JOB !!!!! Love ’em !!!! and you of course 🙂
Wow! Those are fab Dawn! So cute! I’m sure the boys won’t mind once they see there is CANDY inside 😉
Dawn, you rock putting the directions for these on your blog! These are way too cute. I just might have to try my hand at them. TFS
They are sooo cute!! I’m sure everyone will love them!!
Have a good day! xoxo
You just make me feel so inadequate. You are one amazing woman! Stop over,I have some Blog Candy
Oh my goodness…aren’t those awesome!!! And so cute too!! You’ve been busy, haven’t you? Wow! Hugs!!
Simply Sweet!!! Love everything about this (((Hugs)))
Looks perfect to me just the way you made them!
very cute. love the colors and the elephant.
Hi Dawn…I just love your craft blog!! I love how you explain everything! The tutorials…and the videos…love them! Thanks for all the fun you give to other’s each day!