Candy_center_piece_with_windmill I knew as soon as I seen  this  super cute  center piece I knew I wanted to make one, and here it is .   I added a whole bag of Hersey Chocolate kisses filled  with  Caramel  OH my  these are sooo yummy. I used BALI BREEZE DS paper  for my  center piece  and  also  for my  windmill  ( the windmill  template is from the SU! demo  only  web site . I will see if I can  upload the pattern for you) I also used the  Heart from the ALWAYS stamp set ( which is a fabulous set )  and the  windmill is  attached to a  straw (  pretty cool huh?) Dawns_new_toy_2  I also use my  BIG  BITE ( which is the  Crop-a-dile II  which I also LOVE )  Click on the words BIG BITE  above and view the  video  to show you tips on this fabulous new product ..

You can  view the  directions on how to make this centerpiece Or  a  upside down Cootie  catcher is what my daughter calls them 🙂 HERE .  Funny how things  repeat themselves  over the years.  I remember making these in school  with all my friends , BUT We never called them cootie catchers HUH? .. BOY has  times changed  Hee! Hee!

On a totally  different  Note:  Postage stamps  will be going up  a penny in price to .42 cents on  May 12th  Click HERE  to read more.

Ok   once again  I have a little Side note I want  to share :  We finished up our Bible study last night . We  were studying  Beth Moore’s JESUS THE ONE AND ONLY  for the last 10 weeks What an AWESOME   study it was makes me all excited  and wanting more  of HIM .. But Hey Guess what ? Did you  know Beth Moore  has a BLOG?  NO STINKIN WAY  Beth Moore .. YES  she does  YAHOO!! click HERE  to  pop in and see whats going on with her .. You will love her & her blog . Now I am on my next journey  and finishing  the Book EXPERIENCING GOD   you want to know something really odd~Ok its not really Odd since we know things don’t "just" happen  right ?  Divine intervention  thats what I am talking about .My hubby found this book in an abandoned hotel he was working  at in Baghdad,I know OF all the places to find such an Awesome book HUH?  There the book laid all by its lonesome on a table. Hubby picked it up and It changed  his life.. Now he has passed it on to me  to read . Its soo Awesome How God works. Ok enough of my super long blog post  today.

Thanks  so much for  peeking in today ..  I will see you all tomorrow ..Have a fabulous day girls .

Until Later… Happy Stampin!!
