Post office girls Hi Stampers:

It's trick or treat time at my local post office ..

Just  wanted to share  my  favoritest Post office girls  Halloween  photos with you .. NO I don't  always carry my camera around with me ( even though I  probably  should ) Hee! Hee! 

 Cheryl Cheryl  aka Raggedy Ann told us last night at our  40 days of purpose  meeting that  they were dressing  up today  and of course I have a bunch of goodies  to send out  so I grabbed my  camera  as I  went out the door .

Shirley Here  they are in all their glory .. Dont  you love  dressing up .. and WOWZIE look at Marys  make up .. It  totally ROCKS!!!

Mary upclose Have a  Happy Halloween  Trick or treaters

Enjoy the  funny  video

