It's trick or treat time at my local post office ..
Just wanted to share my favoritest Post office girls Halloween photos with you .. NO I don't always carry my camera around with me ( even though I probably should ) Hee! Hee!
Cheryl aka Raggedy Ann told us last night at our 40 days of purpose meeting that they were dressing up today and of course I have a bunch of goodies to send out so I grabbed my camera as I went out the door .
Here they are in all their glory .. Dont you love dressing up .. and WOWZIE look at Marys make up .. It totally ROCKS!!!
Have a Happy Halloween Trick or treaters
Enjoy the funny video
Dawn thanks for the costumes and that great video. Dontcha just LOVE Halloween. Have a great one.
Debbie/Phx AZ
Thanks for the great video. I love the makeup on Mary. Have a great day.
Too funny, truly LOL!
Happy Halloween, mon amie!
Mary sure does rock! That’s a piece of art on her face! WOW! I’m totally impressed!
Happy Halloween!
Stampin’ Jack-o-lantern smiles from Ear to Ear!
Ann (^_^)
What a good laugh to start the day! Thanks!!
Wow they really put a lot of time into that! How cool!
How fun is your Post Office People.
Amazing face painting on the cheetah/leopard.
I would hate to be the one being scared out their wits on the video.
Hope your Halloween was fun and friendly.
Oh, I can’t wait to show these to my son.