Happy Sunday friends!
Last night we went to a Halloween costume party and it was so much fun. They even had a photo booth at the party and that was alot of fun.
I will share that photo with you once I get a photo gallery open to upload all the amazing costumes people wore last night .
When we got the invite I was thinking of going as Bikers ( WOW that's orginal huh?) as time went by hubby was the one who really wanted to dress up as a couple and wanted to go all out . That was pretty cool that hubby wanted to do that BUT what do we go as ? Ok after the Biker thing didn't seem to much like really dressing up I thought we could go as Bonnie and Clyde..
But that all changed when we went to the Halloween store . We found the Prirates and I knew from the moment we saw them I wanted to be that and hubby agreed ( such a good hubby ) . 1st let me tell you costumes must have been designed for people who are size 2 even though this time last year we would have been shopping in the Plus sizes and those probably still wouldn't have fit us then .
This year however we got reg size costumes but they all still run small so then next thing was to find something long enough for hubby since he is 6'5" usually nothing at stores like the Halloween store are long enough BUT the pirate costume was AWESOME since the legs were cut off to have the boot covers come up and over YAHOO!!
Friday night I spent at least 1 hour trying to get the "smokey eye" thing down and the photos above show you what I came up with .
The really funny thing is when I posted these pictures on Face book friends were saying I looked like Cher / Katey Perry WOW maybe I should wear this wig more often LOL! Must admit It is really fun dressing up and being someone totally different .
Hey do you see the basic Rhinestone on my face ?? That was Jessie's idea
My Mom came over before we left for the party and took alot of photos of us as Pirates here are a couple of those .
Tomorrow is the BIGGEST 1 day sale EVER !
Stampin is launching the 1st time ever .
Sell-a-Stamp Spooktacular .
They want to set a record on how many stamps they can sell in (1) day .
Monday Oct 29, 2012
* ALL stamp sets will be 15% off
This includes
Cookie Press Stamps / Backgrounds stamps / Personalized Name stamps/ Single stamps .
- P.S More single stamps have been added click HERE for all the stamps
*BUT does NOT include
Bundles / and Hostess ONLY items
SAVE THE DATE for Monday Oct 29, 2012
Sell-a-Stamp Spooktacular 1 Day ONLY!
Starting Monday Oct 29, 2012 – Nov 5th , 2012
FREE Downloads and 50% off Digital Kits ~view kits HERE
Don't miss tomorrow …. It's going to be a BIG day
Contact me if you have any questions .
I have got all my retired sets posted HERE .I finally finished uploading the last of the retired sets I have ~ WHEW!!
Dawn's Retired Stamp sets :
Here is a over view of all the sets I have uploaded . WOWZIE!!
It's doesn't look like alot BUT trust me taking photos/ cropping them / resizing them / adding info to each photo took me what seems like forever. Thank you for your patience .
Some are already sold or spoken for. Just run your cursor over the photo in the retired gallery HERE and more details will be shown if that stamp set has been Spoken for/ Sold / Shipped .
If there is just the info on the set then it's a good chance that set is still available . I am trying to keep the list updated daily .
There are (5) pages make sure you click the tiny arrow at the very bottom to view next page/s of retired sets I have available .
This upcoming week : I will be working on my Monthly newsletter / Local Christmas Class this upcoming Saturday night at my home.
You live in the area and want to come please RSVP … Click HERE for more details on my 2 upcoming classes .
Space is limited on both classes .
Have a Wonderful Sunday friends!
Thanks so much for peeking in today !
Until later… Happy Stampin!
WOOO-WHOOO!!!!!!! YOU LOOK GREAT!!!!!!!!! 🙂 Your CLOSE UP of your eyes…. you look EXACTLY like JESSIE!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 (I THOUGHT it was Jessie!) Can’t wait to see more of your FUN PHOTOS!!!!!!!! 🙂
Dawn you look so pretty and so tiny! Your husband looks very handsome. I love the photo of you both where you are standing on the top step. What a cute couple.
Great costumes. Glad you got them to fit.
I also thought it was Jessie. In fact, the more I look, the more I think it’s Jessie! I love, love, love your costumes! Capt. Jack forever!
So cute!! Love the costume idea!