Hi Stampers :
Happy Sunday friends !
Today I am heading back home from a Fabulous Leadership . I will share photos with you later after I get home . I have a few below .
I wanted to share with you photos from my Birthday Last Sunday.
We got dumped on with at least 18 or more inches of the fluffy stuff and I have photos to prove it LOL! The photo above was taken at 4:00pm Sunday and we got at least 4 more inches on top of that later that night .
Hubby got us steak for my Birthday dinner and guess what we even grilled out even with all the snow. Must say those steaks were soooo yummy too !
Look at the beautiful roses he gave me plus the Pandora charms(2) my bracelet is filling up really fast .
Here is Hubby digging out us the day after all the snow fell .
Praise God for the snow blower this year .
Today is the last day for the Extra FSM token with your minimum order of $50.00 .
Here are a couple photos from Leadership :
The 1st one is my amazing Hubby who was having fun wiith the make & takes LOL !
The next photo is of our Leadership bag along with the Mangers Invite .
I have the swaps I made for 2 special groups of ladies I got to see at Leadership . I will be posting those tomorrow and Tuesday . I also have videos on those cards for you later this week as well ( SUPER CUTE! ) .
Have a Wonderful Sunday friends ! Stay warm .
Until later.. Happy Stampin!
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY DAWN!!!!!!!!!! LOOKS LIKE you got to leave ALL THAT SNOW BEHIND with your trip!!!!!! 🙂 WELCOME HOME TOO!!!!!!!!!! 🙂