Hi Stampers :
Happy Sunday friends !
We are starting to count down to Spring even though we got more snow last night with even more coming today .
Reminder :
- Next Saturday night / Sunday morning we set our clocks ahead an hour ( Daylight savings time ).
- March 20th is the 1st day of Spring~ I am so excited !
Happy to report it's been 2 whole weeks since I started going to Dr. Mary with Maximized Living HERE and I am feeling so much better already, I still have a ways to go BUT I am on my way ~ Praise God!
Last week I did have a headache after each adjustment ( Monday & Wednesday) each time I told Dr. Mary she would smile and say it's working and opening up things that have been shut down for awhile . Plus my Atlas is off and that was a BIG adjustment on Wednesday which was painful on the right side under ear BUT…
Happy to report after Friday's adjustment NO headache.
The other Big adjustment is to my neck as well, which is curving backwards instead of forward I have accounted this to the way I sit at the computer … so needless to say I have been sitting so straight now at the computer it feels odd BUT over time it will feel natural .
My hip pain is also from a crooked pelvis and a shorter leg ( my broken femur leg is shorter since the surgery last year ) so Dr. Mary is getting me inserts for my shoe to lift my leg as well as balance out my whole hip/ pelvis area while adjusting it to get it straight.
PLUS we are cutting out grain and sugar ( at least trying).
Here is my Sunday Share video for you today .
Have a Wonderful Sunday friends !
Until later… Happy Stampin!
The Maximized Living diet is great! My husband and I started on it last year. I have lost 30 lbs and attribute 25 lbs of it strictly to the diet – no carbs and no sugar. It has been difficult, but well worth it. We have totally changed the way we eat and love it! They say, though, that you will no longer crave the sugar, and that just isn’t true. I miss cake and cookies every day! Good luck!
A Blessing to you on your adventure to healing!
Also, I Love, Love and Love your Sunday Shares, for us!
Thank You!!!!
Oh, another…the sharing of your treasured family! Love them!