Hi Stampers :
Happy Sunday friends !
Last week I offically became a HOG member . Hubby signed me up so we both could join the local Harley chapter PLUS there is a Ladies of Harleys L.O.H ~ WOW ! 🙂
Last Thursday I went to get the crown put on my tooth and there was alot of sensitivity so they put the crown on temporarily and in 1 month I will got back and have them put it on permanently~ OH joy !
Over the weekend I ate Pineapple and it really jacked up my tongue hubby says it's due to the high acidic… it really does hurts . So needless to say I did get (1) video filmed and hopefully I can get another one filmed for you over the next couple days.
It's been 4 days without any Sugar or Grain and it really did seem easier when talking about it with Dr. Mary but man it's tough .
Dr. Mary said it's like being addicted to anything … BUT seriously have you seen how much sugar and grain is in everything? Even when it says All Natural / Organic have to still watch the sugar /grain count ~ YIKES!
Even Banana's have a HIGH sugar count & apples too BUT granny smith apples are much better .
So far I do feel better with my RA and its been only 4 days . Hubby and I also started a Detox system and also started taking Omega3 which will help with my inflamation as well as other things .
Hopfully you didn't forget daylight saving time.
- Spring ahead an hour .
Here is my Sunday Share video believe it or not this is a Chevy commerical .. It's really awesome !
If you subscribe to my blog and can't see the video click HERE to view.
Have a Fabulous Sunday friends !
Until later.. Happy Stampin!
Speaking of detoxing, have you ever tried virgin coconut oil for detoxing skin? Slather it on and stuff comes out…dust, fungus and anything else living on skin. It works great. Another great one is 1/2 c. apple cider vinegar, 1/2 c. Listerine (not the blue) and 2 cups boiling water for a foot soak. And this has been a miracle for my arthritis…1 tsp. of cinnamon a day (in a hot drink with honey…or I just put it on my oatmeal). Cinnamon is an anti-inflammatory. It took away all the pain in my hands and elbows. Two weeks for the elbows…2 months for the hands. Hope some of this helps!
Congrats on your HOG membership. Hope you enjoy all the nice riding weather that is coming!