Hi Stampers :

Happy Sunday friends !

HOG Harley Owners GroupLast week I offically became a HOG member . Hubby signed me up so we both could join the local Harley  chapter PLUS  there is a Ladies of Harleys L.O.H ~ WOW ! 🙂

Last Thursday I went to get the  crown put on my tooth  and there was alot of sensitivity   so they put the crown on  temporarily and in 1 month I will got back and have them put it on permanently~ OH joy !

Over the weekend I ate Pineapple and it really  jacked up my tongue  hubby says it's due to the high acidic… it really does hurts . So needless to say I did get (1) video filmed  and hopefully  I can get another one filmed for you over the next couple days.

It's been 4 days without any Sugar or Grain  and it really did seem easier when talking about it with Dr. Mary but man it's tough .

Dr. Mary said  it's like being addicted to anything … BUT seriously have you  seen  how much sugar and grain is in everything?  Even when it says All Natural / Organic  have to still watch the sugar /grain count ~ YIKES!

Apple and BananasEven Banana's have a HIGH sugar count  & apples too BUT granny smith apples  are much better .

So far I do feel better with my RA and its been only 4 days . Hubby and I also  started a Detox system  and also  started taking Omega3 which will help with my inflamation as well as other things .

Spring foward

Hopfully you didn't  forget daylight saving time.

  • Spring ahead an hour . 
  • Sale-a-Bration Mini click HERE
  • Weekly Deals until March 10, 2014 click HERE

Here is my Sunday Share video believe it or not  this is a Chevy commerical .. It's really  awesome !


If you subscribe to my blog and can't see the video click HERE to view.

Have a Fabulous Sunday friends !

Until later.. Happy Stampin!

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