Hi Stampers:
Happy Sunday Friends !
Well It's beginning to look a lot like Spring time around here . All the snow in our front yard has finally melted and yesterday was over 70 degree's.
Pot holes are terrible here I have to say the worse they have ever been and I am assuming it's from the really bad winter .
Big Daddy also got the floor done in my stamping studio and started working on the lights and outlets .
I also wanted to share my new Stamping Studio will not be painted purple But a ivory color instead & it's so pretty . I know the photos are not that great but it will all come together when the cabinets arrive the 2nd week of May .
Here is my Sunday share video for you .
Have a Fabulous Sunday friends !
Until later.. happy Stampin!
Merci beaucoup Dawn, ce partage m’a fait beaucoup de bien.
Je viens de perdre mon père et la veille de son enterrement nous avons été fauché par un homme totalement ivre. Nous en sommes sorti miraculeusement . La je suis dans la colère et ta musique m’a apaisé.
Merci Cath