Hi Stampers :
Happy Sunday friends !
Thank Goodness this week is over 🙂
This past week when my Blog went down which this was the 1st time it was this major with typepad and I have been with them for 8 years now and this time was a doozie that's for sure….BUT Praise God everything is moving smoothly now .
As frustrated as I was my blog was down I knew in my heart they were fixing it as fast as they could . This is NOT something Typepad wanted to happen for sure, BUT seriously if you could have read some of the nasty comments people were leaving them on their FB page ~It was sad ! Things happen and I am very Thankful it was only a week .
This past week we also got my wheels fixed and Praise God they only kept my car for 1 day . I still need to go back for the alignment BUT he said we can do that next month .
Got a tip to all you drivers out there … Drive in the left hand lane . That's the tip I got from the wheel & front end guy . Usually pot holes are on the right side some on the left but for the most part there going to be on the right side .
We also went and picked up our half a cow we ordered . We go in half with our friends ( Steve & Linda ). We bought one 18 months ago . The price went up slightly from last time BUT Oh my goodness have you priced beef in the stores and who knows what's all in that.
After I shared this photo (above) I laughed because of all the photos I could take while loading the meat up in coolers was one with the Heart/ Liver/ Tongue LOL ! We did get alot of good meat Steaks/ Hambuger / Roasts/Ribs .
Jessie left a comment on the photo and said her and Pat will be over for BBQ Tongue ( just kidding LOL!)
Later today we are going out to dinner with our friends Russ and Melinda
Blog Candy names drawn
- Blog Candy #1 ( Beyond Plaid )~ Shirley Gail
- Blog candy #2 ( Spring Sampler)~ Diana Hults
Congrats ! I will be sending an email out to the both of you for your mailing address .
Thank you all for all your sweet comments I read every single one . You all are the BEST !
Retirement lists:
Weekly Deals click HERE
Here is my Sunday Share
Have a Fabulous Sunday friends !
Congrats to the winners and so glad to have you back in in “running” order. No cussing about the blog, everyone struggles right now with invaders of the bad kind. Just glad they worked it out and we have you back!
CONGRATULATIONS, ladies!! Enjoy your fabulous blog candy! 🙂
Dawn! We get a side of beef and a side of pork every year from a place nearby. This year we have 350lbs of cow! Even at the price we paid, it is still cheaper than buying it in the store, especially for the cuts of meat that you get! Ours is ready for pick up but I still have to clean out my deep freeze to fit it all in!!!
Tongue yes. Try it pickled! LIver, never!
Hahahaha…silly me…when I looked at the picture you posted of your meat packages I saw Griffith written on it and thought “OMG she got Giraffe meat!” Just thought I’d share my goofiness!