Brand New 2014 2015 Annual Stampin'Up! catalogHi Stampers:

Happy Sunday Friends !

This past Monday  I got to attend the Premier for the Brand new Stampin'Up! Annual catalog. PLUS at the premier we all got a copy of the new catalog .

It's so AWESOME!  Check out the cover ( above) .  Those hands on the cover remind me of  my videos where you only see my hands ~Pretty cute huh?

The  catalog is so amazing inside too. I have info on ordering your copy below . I will be absorbing my newest and favorite reading  material  on my flight to FL.  since I have been so busy this last week  getting my blog posts and everything made and posted while I'm away . I haven't quite had my own  sit down and look at every single page yet …. BUT what I have seen I love it all !

I will be mailing them out once I return home from the cruise . The catalog is FREE all I ask is that you cover the shipping  which is $5.20.

Gift From Kristen at the New Catalog PremierWhile at the Catalog premier  I got to hang out with  Kristen  and look what she made for me ~  A note pad with post it note holder . Love it! Love the purple flower and look a purple pen too . It's so adorable .

Thank you Kristen .

Allure-of-the-seas #1

I wanted to let you all know about my DOUBLE FSM tokens while I am away on the cruise with  Stampin'Up!

  •  click HERE for all those details .

I will have very limited  access to my computer and cell phone while I am away  PLEASE do not hesitate to call Stampin'Up! at

1800 STAMP UP 

if you should have a question they will help you PLUS they are super sweet .

Allure of the Seas

I have  my blog scheduled to post fun "new"things while I am gone and a video is ready to go & if I get computer access  that video will post on Friday .


Be sure to follow me on my  Facebook Business page Dawns Stamping Thoughts HERE . When I get  access to my computer I will  be sharing photos 1st  from the cruise over there .

New  2014 2015 Annual catalog

I have ordered  cases of the Brand new 2014/15  Stampin'Up! Annual catalog.

Click HERE for all the new catalog details . There are 3 ways to get your hands on the brand new  2014/15 catalog . 

I have had many email me about  using a different  blog feed company other then Feedburner .

I have a list of a few you  could use  I know Bloglovin and Feedblitz  are  also email  feeds  which mean you get the updates to my blog sent to your email .

The feedly I have not  used that  company yet BUT love the layout of the feed .

check them all out below  and pick which one you like the best .

I will also put the link to bloglovin and Feedlblitz to my right side panel under Subscribe to my blog  for easy access .

This past Friday  we started cleaning out my Stampin studio getting ready for my new cabinets that are coming a few days after we get back home from the cruise . Here are a couple of the  cleaning photos .

Retired items I found in the closet

I found all my older retired sets ( 1st photo above) that were in the far back of my closet. I will let you know when they are ready  for new homes .

This large unit  is going to be moved and will hold my retired items

It's a mess

Smaller unit cleaned out. currently  holding stamp sets and card stock and DSP

Things that didnt make the Keep it list

Empty Boxes from Closet

My May Newsletter will be going out tomorrow sign up for my monthly newsletter at the top right side of my blog~ Dawn's Newsletter sign up box is under my photo.

Just click on the box and a new page will open for you to add your email  super easy BUT do it before tomorrow .

Have a Fabulous Sunday friends !

Until later.. Happy Stampin!

Order Stampin' Up! Online

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