Happy Sunday Friends !
This past Monday I got to attend the Premier for the Brand new Stampin'Up! Annual catalog. PLUS at the premier we all got a copy of the new catalog .
It's so AWESOME! Check out the cover ( above) . Those hands on the cover remind me of my videos where you only see my hands ~Pretty cute huh?
The catalog is so amazing inside too. I have info on ordering your copy below . I will be absorbing my newest and favorite reading material on my flight to FL. since I have been so busy this last week getting my blog posts and everything made and posted while I'm away . I haven't quite had my own sit down and look at every single page yet …. BUT what I have seen I love it all !
I will be mailing them out once I return home from the cruise . The catalog is FREE all I ask is that you cover the shipping which is $5.20.
While at the Catalog premier I got to hang out with Kristen and look what she made for me ~ A note pad with post it note holder . Love it! Love the purple flower and look a purple pen too . It's so adorable .
Thank you Kristen .
I wanted to let you all know about my DOUBLE FSM tokens while I am away on the cruise with Stampin'Up!
- click HERE for all those details .
I will have very limited access to my computer and cell phone while I am away PLEASE do not hesitate to call Stampin'Up! at
if you should have a question they will help you PLUS they are super sweet .
I have my blog scheduled to post fun "new"things while I am gone and a video is ready to go & if I get computer access that video will post on Friday .
Be sure to follow me on my Facebook Business page Dawns Stamping Thoughts HERE . When I get access to my computer I will be sharing photos 1st from the cruise over there .
I have ordered cases of the Brand new 2014/15 Stampin'Up! Annual catalog.
Click HERE for all the new catalog details . There are 3 ways to get your hands on the brand new 2014/15 catalog .
I have had many email me about using a different blog feed company other then Feedburner .
I have a list of a few you could use I know Bloglovin and Feedblitz are also email feeds which mean you get the updates to my blog sent to your email .
The feedly I have not used that company yet BUT love the layout of the feed .
check them all out below and pick which one you like the best .
I will also put the link to bloglovin and Feedlblitz to my right side panel under Subscribe to my blog for easy access .
This past Friday we started cleaning out my Stampin studio getting ready for my new cabinets that are coming a few days after we get back home from the cruise . Here are a couple of the cleaning photos .
I found all my older retired sets ( 1st photo above) that were in the far back of my closet. I will let you know when they are ready for new homes .
My May Newsletter will be going out tomorrow sign up for my monthly newsletter at the top right side of my blog~ Dawn's Newsletter sign up box is under my photo.
Just click on the box and a new page will open for you to add your email super easy BUT do it before tomorrow .
Have a Fabulous Sunday friends !
Until later.. Happy Stampin!
I know you probably will be home before you get this but I hope you have a wonderful time…