Hi Stampers:
Happy Sunday & June 1st Friends !
Guess what tomorrow is ????
The new catalog starts tomorrow at Noon Mountain time
Here are the times for your area :
- Eastern Time ~ 2:00pm
- Central time ~ 1:00pm
- Pacific time ~ 11:00am
- Hawaii ~ 9:00am
- Alaska~10:00am
- So excited !
Do you still need a new catalog to hold in your hands it's never to late… There are 3 ways to get your very own copy click HERE
Last weekend we had so much fun hanging out at the pool with our neighbors ( Malinda and Russ) and Jess and Pat also came over we also had a BBQ of ribs and steaks .
Big Daddy and I also got the Harley's out offically for the Summer ~ YAHOO!
Malinda & Russ where behind us and when I snapped the photo of them behind us~ Malinda snapped this one of us from behind while I was taking the photo of them when we were waiting on the traffic light ~ Pretty funny!
Yesterday we took a ride to Hell, Michigan with my Cousins and friends . That was a lot of fun and it was a perfect day for riding !
Big Daddy is getting ready for his Hoka Hey Motorcycle challenge again this year in July he will be riding from Key West Flordia – Homer Alaska. This is the BIG ride he has been wanting to do for so long and we are so excited ! I will keep you all posted .
We should be getting the Counter tops any day now . I did find the sample of what my counters will look like ~So awesome .
The girl who was helping us decide on the counters said this looks like a stampers counter top LOL! I couldn't agree more 🙂
My Father in law was in the hospital . We know he had a grand mal Seizure and was unconscious Wednesday . He has since woke up and has talked to Rich on the phone and yesterday he came home from the hospital . Praise God ! Still not sure what all happened but he is on medication .
I am not sure if you remember I asked for prayers for my Uncle Ed over a year ago . He passed away on Sunday May 25, 2014 . We attended his funeral this past Thursday down in Adrian MI . Please continue to pray for my Aunt Velma they were married close to 50 years and life will be quite different for her without Uncle Ed.
Here is my Sunday Share video for you today .
Have a Wonderful Sunday friends !
Until later.. Happy Stampin!
Thoughts and prayers with you and your Aunt Velma.
I’m so excited that the catty goes live on my birhday! Yea!!!!!
BY THE WAY I love your selfies. You and your hubby looked so cute.
Can’t wait to see you at convention.
My prayers are with you. So sad for your Aunt.
Concerned about your Dad! Give Rich our blessings!
Sending hugs and prayers your way. I do love your countertop. Your motorcycle photos are cool. TFS.
Thanks for your videos. I like in Alaska. Very close to Homer and have heard of this ride. Homer is a wonderful little town. In fact, my husband has been there for the last three days working. We plan to take the kids there on the weekend of July 4th. Wonderful seafood shack on the spit. The beer batter halibut will melt in your mouth. The wildfire is close to being under control and the smoke is much less. Homer was raining ash just a week ago as we have over 190,000 acres burning. The fire started just 10 miles from my home on May 13th.