Never Forget  9 11 2001Hi Stampers,

Happy Sunday friends ! 

Hard to believe that 9-11 happened 15 years ago . I still remember where I was the  minute it all happened.

I think most of us  still can recall   where we were and what we were doing that terrible day .

We shall NEVER forget ! 


I  thought I would give you a update on my  leg  from last Saturday  night .

Like I had mentioned it was a freak accident  and without going into to many details  about all that,

I will say it was all a blur since it happened so fast .

Rich said I  could tell everyone I got a shark bite in our pool while surfing .

That story is so funny on so many levels ~  but I do like it since, the cut I got looks like a shark bite LOL! 

 I posted photos HERE in case you want to  take a peek at them.

The photos are not the worse I've ever seen  yes a little  bloody  but  then again

I've seen a lot with my legs over the years LOL!  

  • so just in case I posted them over there (mainly for me to locate them).

Yup got 18 stitches  and the blood was everywhere

  •  ( Living Room / Bedroom/ Bathroom)  

Thank Goodness Jessie and Tommy were there  and Jessie  got all the blood  cleaned up  off all the carpet .

all I  really remember was that I seen blood and skin was hanging  and I knew it wasn't good .

Hubby said we are going to the ER ~ off we went.

Doctor Prescribed me (2) Antibiotics  Plus I got  a tetanus  shot … that was a breeze LOL!   

Doctor finally seen me 3 hours later and said it was a good clean slice ( if there can be anything good like that I guess that's the kind you want and not a puncher / hole )

We  finally left the ER around 1:30 am Sunday morning .

 This past week I was feeling  terrible for like (4 ) days  started on Monday one of the Antibiotics said not to take with milk or yogurt and  of course may cause Dizziness and Nausea  which is what I felt  I was  a little concerned  after the 3rd day and called the Pharmacist and  he said its totally normal and  to keep taking the RX  and if I had any other concerned I should call the doctor .

 The good news was I was 1/2 through  taking the 10 days supply ( Thank Goodness ) . I seriously never have felt like that  with medication~ Yucky !!!  

The good news the next day I seriously felt so much better . I am not sure if I was  having a reaction to the meds or the tetanus shot ( is there such a thing ) .

Fast forward here we are 1 week  after the event . Hubby is cleaning and changing  my  boo boo  since I can't see it on the back of my left  calf . Doctor said for me to keep it covered,  It's looking  great not itching yet but I'm sure that's going to start  any day now . 

I'm am just going on the record  right now and  saying I am so OVER things happening to my legs .

The  nurse at the ER  said well I don't think you will be a leg model  ~

  • Ugghhhhh REALLY  ya think ??  I could have told you that LOL! .

My Hubby  said  all those  wonderful scars are my battle wounds .

 That's great BUT please Lord NO MORE battle wounds .

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Thanks for peeking in today .

 Have a wonderful Sunday friends ! 

Until latter … Happy Stampin! 

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