Hi Stampers,

 Happy Sunday friends! 

My Hubby  is off on his  motorcycle ride  today  with his friend Glenn

Both of them are riding the lower 48  states in 10 days .

pretty exciting for them …but not exciting  enough to get me to ride crazy like that.

It’s definitely  a guy” thing.

What’s my kind of  excitement?

It’s  Stamping of course LOL! 

 Plus even better  when stamping with friends  !

My Glitter Queen Dee  is having her annual

Stamp-a-Palooza event  on

Saturday  Sept 22, 2018 ~ 10 am -3:30 pm ( eastern time) 

Click HERE for all the details  

PLUS  we will be there for the day . 

I would love to meet you  and I know Dee  and her team would

love to have you join us for a fun day of stamping .

Last day to register is Sept 10th 

(That’s tomorrow ~ Monday.)

Let Dee know you  are  being invited by Dawn. 🙂  

Stampin’ Anonymous Tutorials

Click HERE for more details. 

Dawn’s Quick Links 

Current promotions are listed below click any photo  for more details


Have a fabulous day friends !

Until Later… Happy Stamping

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