York peppermint patty spiders Hi Stampers :

Happy Halloween !

I thought I would make  this  spider  video for you today since it is Halloween.

You might  remember  the one  I showed  you HERE  that my friend Laura  brought to club  this month ..

He is so cute for  your  Friends & Family

Enjoy !!

 You will need  these  supplies

Scallop circle punch#109043

(2) Black

 Photo corner punch # 109042

(4)  small ~Only Orange & (4) large~Black

1/2" circle punch #104390

Whisper white  (2)  eyes

1/4" circle punch( retired )

(2) Black for center of eyes

Mini glue dots # 103683

Adhesive #104332

and a York peppermint  patty  found at  your local  store

If you  subscribe to my  blog via email feed  and can't view video~ Please  Click HERE

Until later.. Happy Stampin!