Jun 29, 2014 | 2014 Dawn's Sunday Share, Dawns Sunday Share |
Hi Stampers : Happy Sunday friends ! Last night we had fireworks at the lake with my Mom and Aunt Velma that was alot of fun PLUS we got the Harley back yesterday from getting lots of work done (all under warrenty~ Praise God!) so we took that...Jun 22, 2014 | 2014 Dawn's Sunday Share, Dawns Sunday Share |
Hi Stampers, Happy Sunday friends ! Last night we had our stamper club night and we had lots of laughter and stamping what could be better . ( we missed you Janet, Laura, Laurie, Peggy ). Here are some photos of all the fun last...Jun 15, 2014 | 2014 Dawn's Sunday Share, Dawns Stamping room, Dawns Sunday Share |
Hi Stampers: Happy Sunday & Happy Fathers Day! This weekend I made a good stab at getting things in my new stampin studio BUT still have a ways to go . I took a few photos of my new space for you to check out what it looks like so far . The 1st...Jun 8, 2014 | 2014 Dawn's Sunday Share, Dawns Sunday Share |
Hi Stampers : Happy Sunday friends ! My Stampin Studio is pretty much done, we are just finishing up adding the hardware to all the drawers and doors . Counter Tops should be here "hopefully this week" I know I said that...Jun 1, 2014 | 2014 Dawn's Sunday Share, Dawns Sunday Share |
Hi Stampers: Happy Sunday & June 1st Friends ! Guess what tomorrow is ???? The new catalog starts tomorrow at Noon Mountain time Here are the times for your area : Eastern Time ~ 2:00pm Central time ~ 1:00pm Pacific time ~ 11:00am Hawaii ~ 9:00am...May 25, 2014 | 2014 Dawn's Sunday Share, Dawns Sunday Share |
Hi Stampers : Happy Sunday friends ! This past week we had the guys come out and measure for the countertops for my studio, the countertops should be ready in about 1 1/2-2 weeks YAHOO! I have started putting things away in the upper cabinets....
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