Oct 9, 2016 | 2016 Dawn's Sunday Share, Dawn's Sunday Share 2016, Dawns Sunday Share |
Hi Stampers, Happy Sunday friends ! Yesterday Hubby came home from work and kidnapped me for a over night date ( just him and I )~ WOW! Good thing I had everything pretty much caught up and the things that I didn't...Oct 2, 2016 | 2016 Dawn's Sunday Share, Dawn's Sunday Share 2016, Dawns Sunday Share |
Hi Stampers, Happy Sunday friends ! Today is such a rainy day actually it's been very rainy that last (3) days here in Michigan . Yesterday I finished filming my videos for this upcoming week plus I finally got everything done for my FSM Club...Sep 25, 2016 | 2016 Dawn's Sunday Share, Dawn's Sunday Share 2016, Dawns Sunday Share |
Hi Stampers, Happy Sunday friends ! WOW what a busy last couple of months . I love summer time which I think is always the busiest time of year for everyone . The last couple months seemed extra busy and I think it was just my down...Sep 11, 2016 | 2016 Dawn's Sunday Share, Dawn's Sunday Share 2016, Dawns Sunday Share |
Hi Stampers, Happy Sunday friends ! Hard to believe that 9-11 happened 15 years ago . I still remember where I was the minute it all happened. I think most of us still can recall where we were and what we were doing that terrible day . We...Aug 28, 2016 | 2016 Dawn's Sunday Share, Dawn's Sunday Share 2016, Dawns Sunday Share, Glitter Queens 2016 Retreat |
Hi Stampers, Happy Sunday friends ! As promised I am going to share a bunch of photos from our Glitter Queens retreat we has last weekend . I'm a firm believer in that it's not always the "event " that makes...Aug 14, 2016 | 2016 Dawn's Sunday Share, Dawn's Sunday Share 2016, Dawns Sunday Share |
Hi Stampers, Happy Sunday friends ! Update on Richard's back appointment . The doctor we seen is one not to jump right into surgery phase (Praise God) . Rich is starting therapy this upcoming Tuesday Doctor gave him (6)...
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